You can’t lose 30lbs in a week, get fit overnight, or add more hours to a day. But THAT’S OK, because it is way easier to make small changes and create sustainable results while living in harmony….ESPECIALLY if you are a busy woman doing.it.all.
The health and fitness industry has bombarded us with the belief that we can “have it all” overnight. It has completely jaded our thinking in what it really takes to lose weight, live happier, and have more energy. Which means, amazing women like you give up on their most important goals because it feels so dang hard
And that is why I created the Eat & Be Fit like a girl coaching program. An eight week group program that shows you exactly how to take small, sustainable actions and continue to build on them so that you can create a life of health and happiness without feeling like it is too much work.
I Remember When I Was In Your Shoes:

The good thing is that you’re not alone, we have all tried & failed multiple times. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have great results now. In fact, some of the most amazing results my clients have created came AFTER a string of so-called “failures”.
And I can show you the way. I want to show you how you can live in harmony with your mind, body, & soul - in the midst of doing it all.

Do you feel like you have tried everything but nothing seems to work long term?

Are you ready to live happier and lose weight while still enjoying all the foods you love?

Are you tired of always feeling like you’re falling off track?
Being able to enjoy the foods you love guilt free
Having control over your cravings & knowing how to curb them
Stopping the late night urges to eat everything in your pantry
Enjoying social events without having to worry about the food you're eating.
Resetting your metabolism after years of restriction
Having more energy to do more of what you love
Feeling really confident in your relationship with food
This Is For You If:
You feel like you have tried everything
You’re sick of restricting yourself from your favorite foods
You’re tired of “trying” and not seeing results
You’re serious about making lifestyle changes
​You want to look in the mirror and feel good in whatever you are wearing
This Is Not For You If:
You’re looking for a quick fix or overnight results
You are not willing to show up consistently for yourself
You are not willing to prioritize your health and happines
You are not ready to make a lifestyle change
You continually use time as an excuse and refuse to shift that.
What’s Included:
How to build a balanced plate meal plan guide to help you… balance your nutrition even when the program is over.
8 x 60 min Weekly group calls to help you stay on track and provide a space for sharing your wins.
A private Eat & Be Fit like a girl community so that you can surround yourself with a community of like minded women that will inspire you and keep you accountable.
Video content & resources delivered in small bite sized chunks throughout the week to help you stack the good stuff!

What They Are Saying:

Meet Your Coach
“ Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime”.
There is no shortage of information out there on anything you want to know, but YOU DON’T NEED MORE INFORMATION! What you need is the tangible tools, the “how to” not the “what to”.
And that is my passion. To help women take small steps that lead to big results, in the midst of doing it all.
If you are like me, you want to live life feeling happy and content - not be worrying about everything that goes into your mouth or on the end of your fork.
You want life to feel easy breezy. Not spend every minute obsessing over what your going to eat.
As a busy women you want to lose yourself in moments. Those afternoons spent on a patio with your bestie soaking up the sun and enjoying a frozen margarita and some chips and salsa.
Those beach vacations with your significant other or a quick evening out after work for some wings and a beer.
Those are the moments that bring peace to my world and I am guessing to yours too.
But there are times when those moments can turn into run-a way trains. Before Eat & Be Fit, I would have spiralled after one of those times. But learning how my body responds and functions, how it it reacts to certain foods, and how to manage my lifestyle choices, - I no longer panic. Because I have a plan. I have the tools I need to carry on.
I know the scale will be up, and that's normal. I won't tell you that there aren't times when that doesn't bother me, but I refuse to let it derail me.
I push - because this is the life I choose.
I choose to live in harmony - mind, body, & soul, in the midst of doing it all.